Matter – Science

In the Science Lab this week, made an ocean and had to separate the mixture…sand, gravel, paper clips, water, salt. We could not separate the salt from the water, because it is a solution. We are trying to see if it is possible to separate the salt from the water. We will let you know our results later.

matter lab

Great post on the Night Zookepper site by Adrian

crazy legs

By malveadr000

1 Week Ago105 words1
These look legs coming out of a flower pot. These look like worm coming out of flower pot and it looks like it came from Africa. The Africans built it themselves. The picture looks funny, because it looks like pink stuff is coming out of the flower pot. It looks nasty and makes me sick. The flower pot looks like a African mask just extra large. But i bet it took a long time to build. When they built i bet it took all day and all night to build it. When they built it i think they needed help to build it
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By Kathy Parkin 7 Days Ago

I have to agree with your thoughts about the picture, that it must have been quite a lot of work to build. And the idea it might have come from Africa is very interesting. Just make sure to capitalize the letter i when using it as a pronoun, otherwise nice work writing on the 100WC.



Last Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, I introduced our class blog to the students. They were really excited to learn that they would each have their own blog as part of the class blog. Once they learned how to log into their blog, they choose their theme and started to blog. Above is a picture of the first two students that were successful at logging into their blog.

Science Lab


 Science lab

Once a week our class joins Mrs. Leon’s class in the science lab. We learned about the science tools during the first weeks of school, so in the science lab we practiced using the tools.

Red Solo Cup Challenge


Red solo cup

We are off to a great start of the school year. The first week of school, our class did several tribe activities and group challenges to build teams in our class. One of our favorite challenges was the Red Solo Cup Challenge. The students worked together to stack the cups without touching the cups with their hands.